章節一到五是在講主人公George(喬治) 養的豬從他的豬舍裡跑出來到了隔壁鄰居家。因為喬治的父母親不贊成使用現代科技,所以當喬治到了鄰居-- Eric (艾瑞克)的家時,被好多人工製造的物品驚嘆,同時也因艾瑞克是個科學家,所以跟著艾瑞克認識了這個宇宙的奧秘。


 He stuck out his chin as he always did when he felt cross. ~~~ angry. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children/ 可用來跟小孩講話時表示生氣的形容詞。

Science is a wonderful and fascinaing subject that helps us understand the world around us and all its marvels. ~~~ someone or something that is very surprising or impressive/ 在這裡用作名詞,表示人或事使人驚訝。

He never seemed to get angry...It was all very baffling. ~~~ (baffle as a verb)if a problem, someone’s behaviour etc baffles you, you cannot understand it or solve it/ 可用作動詞及形容詞,無法理解。

A satellite is an object that goes around a planet---like the Earth, which goes around the Sun. ~~~衛星是個物體繞著一個星球轉。

Speed of light is 300,000 km per second. ~~~ 光速是每秒300,000公里。

When light leaves the Sun, it takes about 8 minutes and 30 seconds to reach on Earth. ~~~ 光從太陽到地球大概花8分鐘又30秒的時間。

A light - year is almost 9,500 billion km. ~~~ 億光年的距離大概是9500億公里。

Rolled his eyes up to heaven. ~~~ (直接翻譯的話)翻白眼翻到天堂。意思只是翻白眼翻的很誇張、明顯。((這一句話一定要學起來,感覺超有用的!!!!

replied him sulkily. ~~~ (sulky as an adjective)feeling angry  and unhappy and not wanting to talk to anyone or to be with other people. / 當你不想跟人說話,因為你在生氣、不開心時可以用這個形容詞。但在這裡用作副詞,因為前面有個動詞。

Protons and neutrons were previously thought to be elementary particles, but we now know they are made of smaller particles called quarks, held together by gluons, which are the particles of a strong fore that acts on quarks but not on electrons or photons. 

    創作者 微遊兔 的頭像


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